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Sending Encrypted Email

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Hi Everyone,

Sensitive business information, including PII (Personally Identifiable Information) and PHI(Protected Health Information), is a company asset that is valued and protected just like any other. More businesses than ever are now required to protect the personal information of individuals. This includes health information, financial information, user names and passwords, Social Security numbers, driver license numbers, and credit card numbers. Too often, email is a weak link in the data security chain. When that chain breaks, businesses pay a high price, specifically in relation to non-compliance to regulations such as HIPAA and HITECH. In an effort to minimize this risk and strengthen the CIA (Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability) of our data we have implemented a secure mail solution to work in conjunction with our encrypted email solution. Below are directions to send secure email as well as a screen capture of the receiving parties communication. Please feel free reach out with any questions or concerns.



1. Select new email


2. Select dropdown for tags


3. Select Sensitivity as Confidential


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